Strategic Planning

Tailored strategies for effective digital marketing campaigns.

Multi-Channel Expertise

Maximizing brand visibility and engagement across channels.

Data-Driven Approach

Using analytics to optimize and improve results.

Continuous Innovation

Staying ahead with cutting-edge digital marketing practices.

about us

Build Your Brand
with Our Agency

Elevate Your Brand with Our Expertise

We specialize in helping businesses build and elevate their brands to stand out in today's competitive digital landscape. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to crafting unique brand identities, developing impactful strategies, and implementing effective marketing campaigns. With our expertise and tailored approach, we empower businesses to strengthen their brand presence, connect with their target audience, and achieve long-term success.

Design and Branding

Craft a unique and memorable brand identity with our creative designs.

Website Development

Create a powerful online platform with our web development expertise.

Media Marketing

Boost your online presence with our expert media marketing strategies.

Video Creation and Photography

Capture your story through stunning visuals and engaging videos.


Reach your audience effectively with targeted and impactful advertising campaigns.

Project Management

Ensure the success of your projects with our expert project management services.

Facebook Marketing Plans

Flexible Pricing Plans

We have experience working with large and small businesses and are ready to
develop a targeted strategy and plan that’s just right for you.


$ 35,000 - 50,000

Monthly Package

  • 10-15 posts per month
  • Content calendar planning
  • Community Management
  • Basic Analytics
  • Ad Campaign Setup (ad budget not included)
Choose Plane

$ 55,000 - 70,000

Monthly Package

  • Includes Small Package Services
  • 20-30 posts with advanced graphics and occasional video content
  • Daily monitoring and response to comments and messages
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Ad Campaign Setup (ad budget not included)
  • Audience Research
Choose Plane

$ 75,000 - 90,000

Monthly Package

  • 30-40 high-quality posts, advanced graphics and regular video content
  • Community Management
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Ad Campaign Management
  • Audience Research and Optimization
  • A/B Testing
  • Content Calendar Development
Choose Plane
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why choose us

Work with a Dedicated

Expertise and Experience

Our team boasts a wealth of extensive experience spanning a wide spectrum of disciplines. From the realms of cutting-edge web design to captivating videography, strategic marketing, insightful analytics, dynamic business development, and efficient management, our collective expertise covers a rich tapestry of capabilities. With years of honed skills and a diverse skill set, we stand ready to meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations.

Effective Project Management

Emphasise your project management processes, which ensure on-time delivery and efficient use of resources. Highlight your focus on understanding and meeting the unique needs of each client.


IT solutions that grows as your business grows , ensuring long-term sustainability with our diverse skill set, data analytics, and more, providing comprehensive IT support.

Digital PR & Penalty Recovery

We help ambitious businesses like yours generate more profits by building awareness, driving web traffic, connecting with customers.

real testimonials

What They
Say About Our

Michael Terry
AuraScape's professionalism and timeliness is impeccable, I enjoyed working with them and would recommend them to anyone looking for their services...
Deshawn Kenroy Abrams

Take Your Website to Next
Level Right Now!

Make the Right Choice for Your Future. Choose AuraScape!